The Crystal Ship

Public Art Festival

EST. 2016

Since the first of April, art-lovers can visit the third edition of The Crystal Ship. 16 (inter)national artists created an impressive artistic trail throughout Ostend. This free art festival has generated great enthusiasm since the beginning. 100.000 interested parties visited the first two editions and 200 residents offered up their facades for several beautiful artworks.

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50 large scale murals from artists such as Johannes Verschaeve (The Van Jets) and Ben Slow remain permanently in the public domain. Hotel Rubens, Ostend Hotel, Ron’s Pub, het Ensorinstituut, … are locations where visitors can fall in love with the masterpieces. This year, the art festival offers something new: “The Crystal Expo: Andromeda is not far away”. Famous artists such as Blade and Risk exhibit their work at Expo18 and sell it for charity.

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